Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R 2017


Welcome to Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R.

The course schedule can be found here.

If you have questions or comments, visit the workshop Q&A forum.

Class Photo

Class Photo

Day 1

The most current version of our RStudio projects for today live at

You will be able to access them there for the foreseeable future.

  1. Open RStudio.
  2. Select File → NewProject…
  3. Click on Version Control.
  4. Click on Git.
  5. Enter https://github.com/hyginn/R_EDA-Introduction as the Repository URL.
  6. Type a <tab> character, the Project directory name field should then autofill to read R-Intro.
  7. Click on Browse… to find your project directory. (You should have created a project directory. If you didn’t, do it now). Click Open.
  8. Click Create Project; the project files should be downloaded and the console should prompt you to type init() to begin.
  9. Type init() into the console pane.

When you are done, place a blue postIt on the lid of your laptop. Use a red postIt if you have issues.


Ann Meyer

Module 1: Exploratory Data Analysis

Boris Steipe


Module 2: Regression


Module 3: Dimension Reduction


Integrated Assignment

Supporting Files for Assignment

Day 2

The most current version of our RStudio projects for today live at

Module 4: Clustering


Module 5: Hypothesis Testing


Annotation file

The most current version of our RStudio projects for today live at

You will be able to access them there for the foreseeable future.

  1. Open RStudio.
  2. Select File → NewProject…
  3. Click on Version Control.
  4. Click on Git.
  5. Enter https://github.com/hyginn/R_EDA-Introduction as the Repository URL.
  6. Type a <tab> character, the Project directory name field should then autofill to read R-Intro.
  7. Click on Browse… to find your project directory. (You should have created a project directory. If you didn’t, do it now). Click Open.
  8. Click Create Project; the project files should be downloaded and the console should prompt you to type init() to begin.
  9. Type init() into the console pane.

When you are done, place a blue postIt on the lid of your laptop. Use a red postIt if you have issues.

Thank you for attending the Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R workshop! Help us make this workshop better by filling out our survey.