Epigenomic Data Analysis 2020 Schedule

  Thursday, October 22   Friday, October 23
10:00 Welcome Presentation (Francis) 10:00 Review of Module 3 (Edmund)
10:20 Introduction to Calcul Canada and login (Pierre-Olivier) 10:30 Module 4: Introduction to WGBS and analysis (Guillaume)
10:50 Module 1: Introduction to ChIP sequencing and analysis (Martin) 12:00 Break
11:50 Break 12:30 Module 4 Lab (Jose Hector)
12:10 Module 1 Lab: ChIP-seq Aligment (Edmund & Martin) 14:00 Break
13:40 Break 15:00 Module 5:Downstream analyses and integrative tools (David)
15:00 Module 2: Peak calling and visualization (Martin) 16:30 Break
16:00 Break 17:00 Module 5 Lab (David)
16:20 Module 2 Lab : Peak calling (Edmund) 18:00 Survey and Closing Remarks
18:25 Break    
18:45 Module 3: Differential ChIP-seq Analysis (Edmund)    