Machine Learning 2021 Schedule

  Day 1   Day 2
  Tuesday, May 25   Wednesday, May 26
10:00 Welcome (Francis) 10:00 Day 1 recap and technology check
10:45 Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning (Lecture) 10:15 Module 5: Hidden Markov Models (Lecture and Lab)
12:15 Break 11:30 Break
12:45 Module 2: Decision Trees (Lecture and Lab) 12:00 Module 6: Gene Finding with NNs and HMMs (Lecture and Lab)
14:15 Break 14:00 Break
15:00 Module 3: Neural Networks (Lecture and Lab) 15:00 Module 7: Machine Learning with Keras and Scikit-learn (Lecture and Lab)
16:30 Break 16:15 Break
17:00 Module 4: Neral Networks for secondary structure (Lecture and Homework) 16:45 Module 8: Machine Learning with Keras and Scikit-learn (Lecture and Lab)
18:00   17:45 Survey & Closing Remarks