Pathway and Network Analysis 2023

Pathway and Network Analysis

  Time (Eastern) Wednesday, June 26 Time (Eastern) Thursday, June 27 Time (Eastern) Module
8:30 Arrivals & Check-in 8:30 Arrivals 8:30 Arrivals  
9:00 Welcome (Nia Hughes) 9:00 Module 4: More Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis (Lincoln Stein) 9:00 Module 7: Review of the tools in integrated workflow. Part1. (Veronique Voisin/Ruth Isserlin/Chaitra Sarathy)  
9:30 Module 1: Introduction to pathway and network analysis (Gary Bader)          
10:00 Break (30min) 10:00 Break (30min) 10:30 Break (30min)  
10:30 Module 2: Finding over-represented pathways in gene lists (Veronique Voisin) 10:30 Module 4: Lab (Reactome FI) (Chaitra Sarathy) 11:00 Module 7: Review of the tools in integrated workflow. Part2. (Veronique Voisin/Ruth Isserlin/Chaitra Sarathy)  
11:30 Module 2 lab (Ruth Isserlin)          
12:30 Lunch (1h) 12:30 Class Photo and Lunch (1h) 12:30 Survey and Closing Remarks  
13:30 Module 3: Network visualization and analysis with Cytoscape (Ruth Isserlin) 13:30 Module 5: Gene Function Prediction (recorded lecture + 15 min presentation + lab (Veronique Voisin)      
14:30 Module3 Lab1 : Cytoscape basics. custom network(Ruth Isserlin)          
15:00 Break (30min) 14:30 Break (30min)      
15:30 Module 3 part 2: EnrichmentMap lecture 15:00 Module 6: Cell-Cell Communications (Gregory Schwartz)      
16:00 Module 3 Lab 2: EnrichmentMap and AutoAnnotate 16:00 Module 6 lab (Veronique Voisin)      
17:30 Finished 17:30 Finished