Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data

Pathway and Network Analysis

  Day 1   Day 2   Day 3
  Monday, June 25   Tuesday, June 26   Wednesday, June 27
8:30 *Registration and Breakfast* 8:30 *Breakfast* 8:30 *Breakfast*
9:00 Welcome (Ann)        
9:30 Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis (Gary) 9:00 Module 4: More Depth on Network and Pathway Analysis (Lincoln and Robin) 9:00 Module 6: Regulatory Network Analysis (Michael)
11:00 *Coffee Break* 10:00 *Coffee Break* 10:30 *Coffee Break*
11:30 Module 2: Finding Over-Represented Pathways (Veronique) 10:30 Module 4 Lab 11:00 Module 6 Lab (Veronique)
12:30 *Lunch* 12:30 *Lunch* 12:30 Survey and Closing Remarks
1:30 Module 2 Lab 1:30 Module 5: Gene Function Prediction (Sara) 1:00 Integrated Assignment
3:00 *Coffee Break* 3:00 *Coffee Break*    
3:30 Module 3: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape (Gary and Veronique) 3:30 Module 5 Lab (Veronique)    
4:15 Module 3 Lab        
5:00 *Dinner* 5:00 *Dinner*