Workstation Setup

Before running the SNVPhyl pipeline, we will have to make sure that the Docker daemon is running on your machine. To start the Docker service, please enter the following command:

sudo systemctl start docker

Salmonella Heidelberg Dataset

The data for this exercise is a set of whole genome sequencing data from a number of Salmonella heidelberg strains.

We will be using the SNVPhyl phylogenomics pipeline to construct a whole genome phylogeny from the raw read data and a reference genome. The files required for this exercise are:

Reference: ~/CourseData/IDGE_data/Sheidelberg-snvphyl/S_HeidelbergSL476.fasta Reads Directory: ~/CourseData/IDGE_data/Sheidelberg-snvphyl/fastq

To speed up the execution time, these read files have been reduced to an average coverage of 10X. As a result, please set the --min-coverage parameter to 4 for the SNVPhyl run.

To run the pipeline, we will execute the main pipeline script at /usr/local/snvphyl-galaxy-cli/bin/ using the --deploy-docker flag to launch the dockerized version of the pipeline. The command should take the following format:

python /usr/local/snvphyl-galaxy-cli/bin/ --deploy-docker --fastq-dir [FASTQ_DIR] --reference-file [REFERENCE_FILE_LOCATION] --min-coverage 4 --output-dir /mnt/workspace/[OUTPUT_DIR_NAME]

The output from the pipeline can be found under ~/workspace/[OUTPUT_DIR_NAME].

  1. Examine the output file filterStats.txt to see a summary of the number of SNVs identified, and the number removed due to the SNV filtering steps in SNVPhyl. How many SNV sites were used to generate the phylogeny? How many were removed?

  2. Examine the table of identified SNVs (snvTable.tsv) and take a look at the positions and identified bases which have a status of filtered-invalid. Can you think of reasons why these positions were filtered by SNVPhyl?

  3. SNVPhyl requires that at least 75% (snv-abundance-ratio) of the reads mapping as variants to a position on the isolate genome are in agreement before considering the position as a high quality single nucleotide variant. Can you think of why this requirement makes the pipeline more robust?

Haiti Cholera Dataset

The data for this lab is a set of whole genome sequencing data from a number of V. Cholerae strains from the outbreak of cholera in Haiti beginning in 2010 as well as a number of other V. cholerae strains included for comparison. This data was previously published in and and is available on NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive. You can view a table of the data at metadata.tsv.

Please use the SNVPhyl phylogenomics pipeline to construct a whole genome phylogeny of this data. You may find the input data under ~/CourseData/IDGE_data/VCholerae_SNVPhyl. The reference file should be reference/2010EL-1786.fasta and the fastq files should be in fastq/. This data was reduced to an average coverage of 12X to speed up execution, so please use a minimum coverage of 4X. The pipeline can be run with the command /usr/local/snvphyl-galaxy-cli/bin/ This should take ~16 minutes to complete.

  1. Examine the output file vcf2core.tsv for the percentage of the reference genome with sufficient read coverage and quality to be used by SNVPhyl to produce the phylogenetic tree (Percentage of all positions that are valid, included, and part of the core genome). Typically, values from 80-90%+ indiciate that all isolates share in common a sufficient proporition of genomic content (core genome) which do not exist in repetitive or other problematic regions. Was a sufficient proportion used for this dataset?

    Note: You can print file contents with cat, but this leaves columns unaligned. To print with properly aligned columns you can use the command column, and you can use the command cut to slice out particular columns from a tabular text file. For example, cut -f 1,2,7 [filename.tsv] | column -s $'\t' -t.

  2. The mappingQuality.txt file lists any strains that map to less than 80% of the reference genome and is a good reference to quickly identify any “trouble” isolates that may be effecting the quality of your run. Can you think of why two strains, each mapping to 80% of the reference genome, could potentially eliminate up to 40% of the genome from the core?

  3. Examine the output file filterStats.txt to see a summary of the number of SNVs identified, and the number removed due to the SNV filtering steps in SNVPhyl. How many SNV sites were used to generate the phylogeny? How many were removed?

  4. Using the phylogenetic tree depicited in Figure 1 from “Population Genetics of Vibrio cholerae from Nepal in 2010: Evidence on the Origin of the Haitian Outbreak”.

    1. Compare the phylogenetic tree generated using SNVPhyl with the above phylogenetic tree. Are the isolates grouped in a similar way?

      Note: Isolates labeled as VC-XX or 2010EL-XXXX in the data for this lab are missing VC and 2010EL in this published phylogenetic tree (e.g., VC-25 becomes 25). Some isolates in the data presented for this lab are not present in this particular published phylogenetic tree.

    2. Compare the SNV distance matrix generated by SNVPhyl (snvMatrix.tsv) to the SNV (SNP) counts show in red on Figure 1. In particular compare the reference (1786) to VC-6, VC-19, VC-26, VC-18, VC-25. In Figure 1, to get the total SNV count between 1786and the other isolates, add up all the red numbers on path connecting 1786 to the other isolates. For example, between 1786 and 18 there are 7 + 7 + 1 = 15 SNVs. Are there any numbers that do not match? Can you think of a reason for this?

    3. Are the results you generated using SNVPhyl consistent with those of the above paper, that is that the Haitian and Nepalse isolates (particularly VC-25 and VC-26) share a very recent common ancestor?