Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 12 Lab
This lab was created by Solomon Shorser
Description of the lab
Welcome to the lab for Big Data Analysis! This lab will consolidate what you have learned about Cloud Computing by aligning reads from a cell line as an example.
After this lab, you will be able to:
- Install the dockstore CLI.
- Run CWL tools and workflows using the dockstore CLI.
Things to know before you start:
The lab may take between 1-2 hours, depending on your familiarity with Cloud Computing and alignment tasks.
Set up a fresh VM by following the instructions in [Module 10 lab] (, but with the following changes:
- choose flavor c1.large
- don’t assign a floating IP
Without a floating IP, this VM is only accessible from Collaboratory. Note that there are often not enough floating IPs for all VMs when you’re running a fleet. So you’ll have to set up a “jump server” as a getway to ssh from outside into Collaboratory. Then from the jump server, you can ssh into any of the VMs in your fleet. We’ll use the VM (c1.micro) you’ve set up for Modules 3 and 4 as a jump server. If you haven’t already done so, add your prviate key to the jump server. From the console, find the IP address of the new c1.large VM and ssh into it.
ssh -i path_to_private_key ubuntu@10.0.0.XXX
Setting up your VM
Install Java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y oracle-java8-set-default
Get the dockstore tool
Latest instructions for installing Dockstore at
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl -L -o ~/bin/dockstore
chmod +x ~/bin/dockstore
echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Add the location of the dockstore script to $PATH.
Using your favourite text editor (try pico if you don’t have one), add this line to the end of ~/.bashrc:
Now, set up the dockstore configuration file:
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/.dockstore
touch ~/.dockstore/config
Add to ~/.dockstore/config these lines:
The URL for dockstore
A token
You only need a valid token if you want to push data TO dockstore. To pull data, “DUMMY” is fine.
token: DUMMY
Turn on caching to prevent the same input files from being downloaded again and again and again…
Install docker
The full instructions are on Docker’s website:
Fast Method
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
Manual Method
If the Fast Method does not work, you can try the manual process described below.
First, install prerequisite software:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
Add Docker’s official GPG key:
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Docker repository (for x86_64/amd64 architecture):
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
Set arch
in the command above to armhf
for armhf platforms, ppc64el
for IBM PPC, or s390x
for IBM Z s390x.
Now that you’ve added a new repository, run apt update
sudo apt-get update
Install docker:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
Testing Docker
You can test your docker installation by running:
sudo docker run hello-world
This command will tell you if docker was successfully installed.
Add your user to the docker user group
This is so you can run docker
without having to sudo every time.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
After you execute the above below, you will need to log out and log back in.
Get cwltool
Install Python’s package manager pip (if it is not already installed) and then download the appropriate requirements file and have pip install cwltool. If you are using Python 2:
sudo apt install python-pip
curl -o requirements.txt ""
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using Python 3:
sudo apt install python-pip
curl -o requirements.txt curl -o requirements.txt ""
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: You may need to run the pip install commands as sudo
Use the dockstore CLI to fetch the CWL
The dockstore CLI will download the CWL file for the tool specified by --entry
dockstore tool cwl --entry > Dockstore.cwl
Note: If you get an error “dockstore: command not found”, that’s because you haven’t logged out and logged back in after adding yourself to the docker group.
Prepare your JSON input file
Generate the JSON file
JSON files can be automatically generated from the CWL file. You will have to fill in the default values in this file.
dockstore tool convert cwl2json --cwl Dockstore.cwl > Dockstore.json
Download an existing file
An existing input JSON file can be found here. Edit it if you wish, but note that ‘~’ if used in the JSON is not interpreted as home directory.
Create a directory for the output data. We use ‘~/tmp’ in the example JSON.
mkdir ~/tmp
You are ready to run BWA-Mem using the Dockstore CLI (see below). However, if you have time, try downloading the input data (unaligned BAM) to your VM using the icgc-storage-client. In Module 10, you ran icgc-storage-client as a Docker. We’ll now run it as a command line tool.
Download unaligned BAMs using the icgc-storage-client
To install the tool,
wget -O icgc-storage-client.tar.gz
tar -zxvf icgc-storage-client.tar.gz
Here are the 2 unaligned BAMs with their object ids. They are are open-access in Collaboratory and don’t require a token.
hg19.chr22.5x.normal.bam 26ed125c-bc28-552c-b82d-1de2561b3911
hg19.chr22.5x.normal2.bam 1039a928-a767-5fe4-a50a-4e7af8ced828
Method 1: Genereate a pre-signed URL, and download using curl or wget. Remember to put quotes for the URL in the wget command. Otherwise, you’ll get a 403 error.
mkdir input
icgc-storage-client-1.0.23/bin/icgc-storage-client --profile collab url --object-id 1039a928-a767-5fe4-a50a-4e7af8ced828
wget -O input/hg19.chr22.5x.normal2.bam "<pre-signed URL>"
Method 2: Download using the icgc-storage client which will handle multi-part download and resume after interruption.
icgc-storage-client-1.0.23/bin/icgc-storage-client --profile collab download --object-id 26ed125c-bc28-552c-b82d-1de2561b3911 --output-layout bundle --output-dir input
Organize the files in your input directory. Then edit the JSON sample_input.json to update under “reads” the paths to 2 unaligned BAMs.
Run it locally with the Dockstore CLI
dockstore tool launch --entry --json sample_input.json