Bioinformatics of Genomic Medicine 2017 Schedule

Day 0: Introduction to Unix 5:00 pm

  Day 1   Day 2
8:00 Registration and Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Welcome (Ann) 8:30 Module 5: Available Epigenetics Data and Resources (Bourque)
9:00 Module 1: Introduction and Patient Phenotyping and Genetic Disease (Brudno) 9:00 Module 5 Lab
9:45 Module 1 Lab    
10:15 Coffee break 10:00 Coffee break
10:45 Module 2: Introduction to Tools, Computing Infrastructure, and Data (Bourgey) 10:30 Module 6: Epigenetic Profiling in Disease (Turinsky)
11:15 Module 2 Lab 11:30 Module 6 Lab
12:45 Lunch 1:00 Lunch
1:45 Module 3: Variant Annotation (Bourque) 2:00 Module 7: Patient Similarity Fusion (Goldenberg)
2:30 Coffee break 3:00 Coffee break
3:00 Module 3 Lab 3:30 Module 7 Lab
5:00 Module 4: Translating Research Workflows into Clinical Tests (Virtanen)    
5:30 Dinner on your own 5:00 Survey and Closing Remarks